Monday, February 16, 2009

Police Dog Tooth Implants

smoke Reality - Free Your Mind

We look forward to your feedback!

smoke Reality ™ - a completely new approach to smoking cessation

smoke Reality ™ is based on internal tobacco industry documents and is the first approach to smoking cessation that takes into account the physical, emotional and mental factors in nicotine addiction.
smoking was to be a process at all three levels. Smoke Reality ™ helps to reverse this process. Through the holistic approach, any smoker can find its way to permanently from the artificially generated demand for cigarettes to free and easy-to-back non-smokers.

smoke Reality ™
· for findings from the once-secret internal tobacco industry documents.
· Is holistically, comprising physical, emotional and mental level, and requires both the awareness as well as to the subconscious mind of the smoker.
· Is scientifically sound, exciting, entertaining and motivating.
· Is a simple key for the final liberation of the cigarette.

under the brand name smoke Reality ™ range of products and services are available to accompany your withdrawal from nicotine addiction individual:
Seminars Publications


Friday, February 13, 2009

Turmeric And Arthritis


Pulse Interactive Seminar (Basic)
· If the first seminar, which provides important information about cigarettes on the basis of internal tobacco industry documents provides: scientifically sound, largely unknown facts that make a conscious decision for or against the cigarette possible.

intensive workshop provides tools to be mentally, emotionally and physically to get out of dependency.
individual coaching
allows deeper personal to address problems associated with smoking and edit.
Additional programs:
· "Fitness": cessation of smoking and to be fit with an individual fitness program
"Weight: cessation of smoking without gaining weight

The interactive impulse seminar provides the basic knowledge about cigarettes, but not necessarily prerequisite for the other programs. The offers may be rather accounted for and in any combination. The road to freedom is matched to your individual needs.