Friday, October 16, 2009

What Is Lymphnoma On The Forehead

The future of the drug industry?

The smoked and (more) socially acceptable cigarette of today is perhaps already in a few years in Europe and other Western industrialized countries, a thing the past and are making history in his ... the health benefits will be felt: No more passive smoking in all public places and in all restaurants.
The question we should all ask ourselves is: what the future of our society viewed drug users in the next Decades from? Will there be more mergers between the nicotine and pharmaceutical industry ... or decriminalized other currently illegal drugs initially and finally liberalized?
press release dated 19.10.2009: "U.S. government approved marijuana as medicine ... The U.S. government approves medical use of marijuana has been, if that is covered by laws in the states one would in such cases, no. unnecessary to use 'resources of the federal government for prosecution, "said U.S. Attorney Eric Holder yesterday ..."
Please post your opinions, attitudes and arguments for or against the prevailing drug policy in Austria ...
Keyvan Davani