Sunday, July 25, 2010

Value Of Wm Rogers Is

What in the world ... is a Hoodoo?

at the last minute I again have a review completed and my "month" Should meet;) This time it's something less dangerous, but for RPG culturally usable, I think. This also shows the influence that the inanimate nature on people's lives. Even outside of major natural disasters. I would always like to use as hundreds of pictures, but I lack the space and permission is therefore by its own image search with the given key words is recommended. It's worth it.

What in the world ... is a series of articles in the unusual natural phenomena that are related to Spice up your can use role-playing game worlds and campaigns are briefly explained. And especially if it is fantasy worlds. Of course you can also simply read Sun The other contributions can be found in the menu under "What in the world ..."


[several meters to tens of meters]
In rocky dry regions with volcanic deposits
potential danger:
[less dangerous]
time scale:
[partly Recent to a few tens of millions of years]
[Arid and sub-arid]

What is a Hodoo?

No, Hoodoo is not related to the African religion of Voodoo, let alone with the African-American religious hoodoo, but describes a fascinating rock formation that inspires even the idea of creative energy as Hoodoo, Balance Rock, or Fairy Chimneys (Fairy Chimney) refers to a voluminous rock column, the tip of a massive, optically remote rock for as a hat. The hat is made in some cases, high color contrast on the column and emphasizes the appearance of a huge stone mushrooms. The height can vary between a man's height and a multistory house. Centimeters large hoodoos can be from a pure development mechanism lane even as such, but it is not customary to call it that.
Hoodoos in Cappadocia, Turkey (Q:

Hoodoos are signs of erosion, which may under certain, but not so rare conditions arise. They can occur in groups of hundreds of columns. And as fascinating as the question is how a cone-shaped rock on top of a rock column go, a question, explain the many peoples in their legends with the work of giants and mythical creatures, so simple is the answer.

Known hoodoos are found in K appadokien, Turkey, Djavolja Varos in Serbia or in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah . 20pictures/2009_03_Coyote 20Buttes/IMG_0909_tweak.jpg

Slim Toadstool Hoodoo, Rimrock, Escalante, Utah (Photo: Ian Parker)

Djavolja Varos, the devil town, hoodoos of 10 meters, Serbia (Q: Mildz Blog)

How does a Hoodoo?

(not Simulationisten can also skip)

hoodoos are found at the appropriate rocks and in the appropriate climate and rarely occur alone. They are formed mainly in arid and sub-arid climate, ie an environment in which evaporation exceeds precipitation in most of the months. On special bedrock caused by so-called Badlands.

Badlands National Park, South Dakota (Q: Kartik Raja)

These landscapes are characterized by very dry, steep ridges, ravines and little vegetation. The latter is of crucial importance, since the rocks without vegetation increased wind and water erosion are exposed. Strong sunlight can accelerate Gesteinsverwitterng. A great altitude on the plateau also favors the forces of erosion.

Hoodoo with "Basque cap" in the highlands of Cappadocia, Urgup, Turkey (Q: Wiki commons)

comes in these dry regions periodically to very heavy rainfall, during which large amounts of loose and be removed not by plant fixing materials and wash out the deep gullies that are responsible for the rugged landscape (this way, the Grand Canyon was created). Whether a ravine or eg a Hoodoo arises, decide on the rocks. Large, small-scale differences in the erosion resistance promote these more obscure formations.

Exceptional Hoodoos in Goreme, Turkey (Photo: Ricardo Lopes)
[Note: The link works again only when it is copied into the address bar. I have no idea why this is]

They typically occur where different effusive (ie volcanic rocks) are superimposed deposited. You should know that most volcanic eruptions are characterized by a change of outbreak behavior. It may alternate quickly loose pyroclastic volcanic rock and fluid (that lava) to form the characteristic layering. In Hoodoo it is often proposed as a good low to be detected fringe pattern.

stratification of Laachersee volcano, Eifel, here without hard rocks (Photo: JS But)

From the results in a loose ejections tuff, lava, however massive, resistant basalt. Some tuffs are consolidated so porous and weak that they can crush them with bare hands. As a result of tension, shattering and other stresses cause cracks in the basalt, can penetrate through the water, so the loose Tuff including washes away. To chance is then to decide whether some are in certain places and under such basalt boulders remain in the tuff like an umbrella to protect from erosion, creating an isolated column.

sketch to the formation of hoodoos (Q: Wikimedia)

The protective basalt is replaced here by meteoric waters often the hat-like conical shape, while aeolian erosion rounds off the column. As a protective cap, other resistant rocks such as volcanic ignimbrite (solidified ash flows) are used. The cover can also consist of a single harder volcanic rock (called a bomb or block)


hoodoo with a block as a protective cap, Djavolja Varos, Servia (Q: Mildz Blog)

With progressive erosion of the rock column is getting thinner and thinner until the rock cover is finally down. 20pictures/2009_03_Coyote 20Buttes/IMG_0649_tweak.jpg

The Camel's Head, Upper White Rocks - Escalante, Utah (Photo: Ian Parker)

Hoodoos in Cappadocia. Good to see is that the caps are as previously continuous layer of rock along a contour line (Q: Eastcoastrod)

use role-play

From Hoodoos is based on little danger, it Unless you are among the unfortunate who are in a very rare rock fall or next to it to climb, so I do not use a description of the dangers. In the role play they still give her a lot, not only because they support as a phenomenon even to the wonderful character of a fantasy world, but because of Man knew early on to make it to advantage. Therefore, following is a brief description of a suitable place to role play.

Tuff shall be handled easily expressed and to bring in almost any desired shape. The result was eg in Cappadocia, a mountainous plateau in Turkey, the late Byzantine Matiana, today Göreme, a city that was in the 10-20 meter diameter pillars chiseled and many floors deep.

cave city of Goreme, Turkey (Q: Pan Pan_TW, flicker)

house into a tuff Hoodoo beaten, Uchisar, Turkey (Q: ex_novo) / images/thums/Cappadocia_Town_-_2.jpg

The "modern" city of Goreme (Q:

are based on the city volcanic eruptions that began in the Miocene (before 10Mio.J.). As early as the Hittite period, the region was populated and there is evidence that has already been a settlement around 8000 BC. In the artificial caves rule consistently cool temperatures, so that as storerooms Keller and serve. The corridors are often interconnected and can be very complex.

section of the cave city Kaymakli, Turkey

detail the Kaymakli metropolis, Turkey (Q: BLDGBlog)

cross section diagram of the city Derinkuyu, Turkey

The shafts to lead down into the groundwater, thus ensuring a secure water supply. The caves were used as well as religious facilities such as burial grounds. As one of the most important early Christian centers, there are many murals, basilicas, churches and chapels in the caverns.

cave ceiling of St. Peter Church in Görmer, Turkey (Photo: Flicker, Traces in the Sand )

early Christian paintings, Goreme, Turkey (Q: Shape Shift, flicker)

incurred in the winding tunnels many rooms and secret hiding places , so that the city could also be used as a refuge. Already constructed in the Byzantine period Christian groups narrow shafts up to high areas under the stony hills, where they could hide. In the absence of a declaration at a later, Turkish time arised the myth of the fairy chimneys. The advantages of the city affords its national importance, so that it developed into a colorful, cultural melting pot. In the surrounding area sculpted over 50 such underground cave cities, as an example of the easier life of the people affected.

courses in the city Derinkuyu, Turkey

The History of Goreme is so rich that I do not play here, but can be found at the following link literally everything that one can know in general knowledge about the city:

http:/ / / de_info.php

parallels to the rock city of T'Skrang in the game world Earthdawn come to mind here, and it shows how to implement such a template with surreal architecture in role play.

Friday, July 23, 2010

How To Send Out Save The Date For Birthday Party

Action: Read an RPG in the public

Just before we go there again, I would like the funny action "read a role-play in public" have mentioned, as the initiator of the page The Escapist, which has declared the action you want from many blogs.

The purpose of this campaign, by reading RPG books, the public, except to make the bus, train or on the curb on our hobby attention. This, of course, no loud talk is meant, even though it would certainly give the matter vigorously. It refers to 3 weeks a year take place at important historical days. The day after tomorrow, it's that time again.

has kindly Clayton is Jed, active inter alia in Tanelornforum translate that effort made the call in our beautiful language. The translation was then promptly set at The Escapist. All information may be found here

the associated (as always confused chaotic) Facebook page you will find here

It's not really complicated and with enough participants, it might make one or two outsiders curious. I also run a fun bet that I will not see anyone at the time a RSP book in hand, so you ran think;)
says And it further.