Friday, October 16, 2009

What Is Lymphnoma On The Forehead

The future of the drug industry?

The smoked and (more) socially acceptable cigarette of today is perhaps already in a few years in Europe and other Western industrialized countries, a thing the past and are making history in his ... the health benefits will be felt: No more passive smoking in all public places and in all restaurants.
The question we should all ask ourselves is: what the future of our society viewed drug users in the next Decades from? Will there be more mergers between the nicotine and pharmaceutical industry ... or decriminalized other currently illegal drugs initially and finally liberalized?
press release dated 19.10.2009: "U.S. government approved marijuana as medicine ... The U.S. government approves medical use of marijuana has been, if that is covered by laws in the states one would in such cases, no. unnecessary to use 'resources of the federal government for prosecution, "said U.S. Attorney Eric Holder yesterday ..."
Please post your opinions, attitudes and arguments for or against the prevailing drug policy in Austria ...
Keyvan Davani

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Where To Buy Vases In Calgary

human experiments, it has long ... The fourth world war

... and have always been the leaders watched with delight how much you can tolerate its citizens and endure. Told them this is room, even the last squad, Krauch can not also charge more. this country, the citizens are so jealous and ill-tempered when it comes to others. Even against children that is so, why the Germans have now drawn the conclusion and shall no more children in the world. Nobody was unwilling to give something to others, and freedom really annoying, is that people are united in our country with Schäuble. It shall not be better, everyone is somehow malade - something sickly go at least - must also do its work. Consequently, create any, period.

That there are not enough jobs there is not an issue, everyone has to stop the Mau and to work somehow - even if he has anything to eat. Our language is shaped according to the wars, the jargon of the governors and the newscaster, the barbaric comments drigt through the days and nights of the television community, and characterizes the behavior of young people. Because that is what we exemplify them.

No one wants to admit that he, too, no matter how rich or poor he is, even a large part of the zoo is trying.

More from: E2% 80% 93-try-people% E2% 80% A6 /

new cluster Vision - Human experiments ...

By moltaweto

Because we are in the last days, enough with the depressing banality of the (to a lesser extent!) Employs visible and comprehensible everyday life and temporarily do not feel more to have, as you seem to think no one and constructive exchange of views - can move and even less logical and decisive involvement, we fall back again in a friendly send to the above sender. We do, however, not only the "pure variety" because of ... no, we also think that for humanity whole would be better if they are occasionally also involved in the so-called dark side of our intellect, which has driven all detectable "historically traditional" epochs their destructive and pathological power-hungry game. If we at least tried, and, where possible using open approach the topic, get a lot

today incredible looking not more things so mysterious and inexplicable before ...

Once again, as always, on occasions, which we lead to these deviations, we must premise, that one offered with numerous graphic elements relined talks should not just look or sound view. Take the information first of all on and off, so they can be checked by your own research ... only in this way, the study of these and similar issues to serve the purpose to bring you back by way of a journey toward self-discovery in a position to seriously and objectively with those critical frontier of thinking and being deal, which have far more meaning to our existence than we want that!

Take the offer and go on such a journey ... the preparation for it takes only about thirty minutes. And before either directly profusion and then back to the drawer of the esoteric and / or occult spinner, respectively, the wacky conspiracy theorists access, they should not only follow the indicated links, but search using Internet search, and an intense self-and environmental monitoring
least to tangible facts which the statements of the author's rebut. As long as you do not find those and use them on the evaluation only the views of those "experts" can, in the papers - we believe - rightly be pilloried, you can refute the opinion expressed in hard!
Think about it ... and you "enjoy" the trip ...
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The original message: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
human experiments - the Ahrimanisierung humanity
~ Released for publication / forwarding ~
Good day, playlist, all three parts the talk:
human experiments - The Ahrimanisierung humanity
relationships between human experiments, the brutalization of humanity, the desert growth on the earth, the karstification of souls, the disappearance of compassion and empathy. Where does that? current example: the University of Rostock examining children for medical experiments ; excuse m. E. the "war against terrorist swine influenza viruses, a process in the 3-D reality has serious backgrounds, which are described and demonstrated.
Choose, human:

a) science and moral self-cultivation or
b) immoral science and Selbstzerstoerung.

Some of the graphics are in the lecture presented by David Dee.
With many illustrations, diagrams and screen shots **************************************** **********************
Individual episodes of the talk, about 10 minutes / episode
first Human experiments - the Ahrimanisierung humanity Part 1: second Human Experimentation - The Ahrimanisierung humanity
Human experiments, black magic, magician, desertification, torture, Abu Ghraib, CIA, secret human experiments, brutalization of the culture. Continue with part 3

Part 2:

third Human Experimentation - The Ahrimanisierung humanity
Opt, human: Moral Science and self-cultivation or unethical science and Selbstzerstoerung.
Part 3:

friendly bye!
Cluster Vision
web broadcasting
Keywords: (im) morality
CERN , Cluster Vision
research love versus power Medicine human experiments military-industrial complex occultism Pharma Industry Satanism mental torture self-destruction vivisection science destruction

How To Take Apart Cup Caster

Transformers Cartoon Late 90's

Obama - there is nothing really for him, unlike Bush

The question is whether the Americans - even those who intressted for the angular features of the policy is not so much - but underneath note and noticed how much he and his smile masked mogelnd by the fact that he does everything well, George W. Bush would be as if the president still. Perhaps that is why he opposed the strike because of health policies with strong rejection and hatred. It iSWT everything as before: the prisons still exist that should have long since abolished - the legal circumstances have not changed - several detainees still have no right of action - the war goes on, where any particular offer appears to be, mitgemischt. The embargo on Cuba has been extended, and - and - and ... It has basically not changed anything, only that the president is another, more charming is the only alles.Er find words for what he was doing and absegnet - and anyway, if anyone asks too much, the answer comes "We still want to look ahead ..." There, however, sees the American people the same chances as they were with Bush, too.
Here all this can be looked up more precisely C3% A4re-a-third-term-Bush verlaufen.html

Stream South Park To Ipod

Israel - all fears were

You may want to explain all the events surrounding Israel and Palestine still kind enough to gloss over anything more need to believe, because the fear of being labeled as anti-Semite, a non-releases - and also because they themselves know exactly that it is not - It does not help.

because Israel did not move a piece, not even the smallest. The meeting of President Obama with Netanyahu and Palestinian President Abbas is in danger.
left again and again the Israeli negotiators the American special envoy George Mitchell accrue fully, especially Prime Minister Netanyahu did. It was with every minute that passed, in two hours of debate, more and more clear that he would give in an inch of its settler policy. No way to stop the building in the Western Bank. Netanyahu said, as he imagines it all: 9 months building freeze is not, because in the 9 months is only limited building freeze - 3000 apartments will be yet further. Silvan Shalom, Former Foreign Minister Israel's Netanyahu's Cabinet and is now responsible for regional development, said yesterday in an Israeli television station: "If we agree from the beginning of a building freeze and consents from the start of a Palestinian state, then only the refugees and Jerusalem will remain as issues." And for both issues, there will be no government in Israel that could meet the demands of the Palestinians. "That's why I think that for a meeting with Mahmoud Abbas, with all respect, does not have to pay that price."

is the report about it here:

Recycle Binsbrown And Blue What Does It Mean

death of humanity

Tuesday 15 September 2009 There is a man who is durchkkämpft on the social courts to the Constitutional Court - to little Hartz IV, particularly for children. He is successful, the lawsuits are allowed powsitiv allotted, and so we go from here on 20 October 2009 before the Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe.

he fights not just to yourself - and especially the children are his concerns. But there are so many others in the country who do not switch their money to their way of understanding and cooperation of property that is as much directed against others, they attack them.

The man who committed himself, and his family - wife and child are ready made - especially these. They decide not to fight, the other, the enemies of democracy, humanity, they once again won.

many in this country with his dying life, culture, fascist, flourishing and prosperous structures, is but a farewell to all humanity, which would earn the name. People who really struggle working for something, and not always against everything, threatened and insulted.

far we have come when people have to withdraw because of their humanity and hide again.

speechless with sadness and deep shock, we take note of these events and to protest against a policy that generates more violence, and gives birth to monstrous.

here to the article:

Click Me!

Calwer wilderness


of Leu

Calwer wilderness

Friday, September 4, 2009

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Afghanistan today use-in-afghanistan.html
Friday, 4 September 2009 We're back! --- If at war here, which once again - as before - they must not be so called, and we give orders that are not, because it is an "operational command," and we kill, what then terrorist fight is. Or, with a new interpretation of Obama and Medvedev: It's against extremists - which was actually meant well, not so that everything would be pulled over the Islamist bars. But extremist can be any, is not it oeder?

And steal the tanker, and distribute them to people in a village in the content, that's extemistisch - and how! - Is not it? Pech, the tankers were stuck in the sand in a river bed, once again as there just happens. The people around them then rush to the rescue, it is different than ours, is geglotzt where at most, the aid workers are hindered.

The whole thing including the people who hunt there up in the air - but that was the only possible means to their own cowardly ass not to have to move there, is not it? - And with the cowardly ass I mean in the main, the, the competent Befehlserteilers including its top politicians. They endanger neither the honorable ass, nor any other body part.

It's all just propaganda, which is otherwise so proclaimed and drivelling, also with the protection of civilians. And some still wonder whether all this is war after all, and perhaps an act of war, or what? Sure, it was because there were armed Taliban! --- Evidence calls of citizens, the neutral person, and oh! Diem --- there is no more, because people are all in BVIs burned beyond recognition and mitexplodiert. Practically such a sequence, is not it?

There are also time and again to hear the same excuses: "Yes, they are even worse, kill each other, the drivers were killed," and so on ... This means that we should catch up again at the methods that we indeed are not so bad that we must finally do again in common with the inhumanity of others, - yes, that we should definitely have a place on it - that We .... Yes, what else really?

only insurgents, it was said, and bearing the bomber know exactly know who is friend or foe? In fact, the correct answer is that the command line was assumed. The situation is assessed, as ground troops were not there. Against insurgents one has the license to kill, is not it?

Yes, yes, they sell us now again all sorts of justifications and excuses, but finally we are building schools and wells nnot only to "stabilize" but, more stable and if nothing interferes with this stabilization - not human. class, I must say, because in the killing we have always been good, is not it?

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Oh, that's good, sigh ...


Merkel painted red-red nightmare
Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned at a campaign appearance before left alliances in the covenant.

reaped In Oldenburg it for her speech boos and egg rolls.

The Color Chestnut Brown

Germany with the NATO bombardment

even gives the EU Foreign Ministers to be shocked by the bombing in Afghanistan. Finally it should be discussed Afghansitan, and how that would make - and that makes a full moon like a command Germany down everything. That means nothing but trouble and justify itself, to express sympathy to the families of victims who provided exisstieren yet - and that is annoying and keeps on.
And there is also the foreign ministers from Britain, Milliband, who is also dismayed, but also restrain his anger must have caused deaths. Finally, we wanted to, that the military of the Afghan people get closer - so the walk but not notes Milliband. And again the talk of "never again" should happen to me ... How often have, and how often for? Full information is also - committed - once again. The Swedish Regent notes successes, and yet, it does not work with security, it does not work with the police ... Was it, and responsible for their training not Germany? --- And the German police are increasingly proving so that ultimately the nervous finger on the trigger of the weapon should be the decisive argument ...

It is still a special gag, after the attacker and all so gennau commanders knew that these were Taliban, that the attack happened on the night. If the night vision devices, tracking devices have a friend / foe identification?
seems particularly infamous for it if the ISAF expresses its regret, while speaking of the Afghans as friends. It is a perverse distortion of the concept of friendship - for friends to shoot normally not be bombarded this, either.

Our Defence Minister Jung is now particularly eager to explain to the commander for prudent, and the situation as critical. The Apology and Defence lies have only just begun ... The Wortgeschwalle afterwards is certainly very rich, while before that almost nothing was noted:

The Greens accuse the federal government, however, remains a "completely inadequate information of Parliament" on the NATO air attack. The coordinators of political groups on the Defence Committee had received 15 hours after the attack a "skinny 16-line announcement from the ministry, said the Green Party defense expert Winfried Nachtwei the Berlin newspaper Tagesspiegel. "So outrageous is something simple," he criticized. In view of the contradictory Reports of numerous civilian deaths the ministry owed to Parliament and the public "fastest, credible, open information."

With contempt, however, all the tests are confirmed, now also the victims of the war - which may be one in us - the "Friends" so to make responsible for what happened. The victims are themselves to blame, that others have attacked it, that others in their country around bomb and kill them, accusing them for all sorts of what it is not logical to dnn to bring the claim, one must hinschicken more troops there, to Afghanistan.

Even with the poles running from the same debates, as with us.

The assurances to allay, but credibility is nothing before we . Meanwhile, the United Nations team of experts in the north of Afghanistan have deployed to verify the incidents., 12356_cid_4638214, 00.html? Maca = en-de_na-2225-xml-atom

Monday, August 24, 2009

Blue Primts Computer Desk

citizens in continuous trauma

start blogging I'll be using an older post of a relative of mine that I value greatly, and with a video to something that is now online and otherwise in the minds of Germany very moving .. the article, I assume because he is still alive and constantly up to date. It goes very fast against the people.

4th May 2009
trauma the citizens
structure are by fear and terror? - We still do not, because we - those born later - were so well for Hitler at that time everything is completely different, and above all done right. Or? it? - Doubts are justified - even though I am far from anyone to want to apologize at the time. But the fact is that many people really get drawn gradually and slowly in such political stories. There are, in particular those who intressted not in politics, or those who have a particular direction, and adhere, and this. In addition, people tend to first want to know something not as accurate, so they see what they usually do - survive, live and - continue to do so.

Just because so packed to the fear. That hair is so exploited by the policies. The bombing on TV always with the same knitting pattern of the soap operas, the barrage of daily disaster news, the contrasts and yet ever the same Bedröhnungs and threat patterns are only part of what makes people tame, alienated - to himself, and the entire environment. Just act distorted information on nature and science. The whole thing has degenerated to coffee grounds reading, because man without equipment, computers and other assistive devices highly technical nature supposedly no longer cope.

This has already yielded effect, for showing just the wacky views in today's world of nature, life, and other, that man himself no longer thinks, especially not himself traces, not themselves perceive and feel - and if they , he pulls it in doubt. This confusion is exploited even more and used, it is said already, that man is the noise factor on the machines and computers. This means that more people doubt themselves, and make their responsibilities more and more computer control systems to rely on experts, and rely on programs.

As much as the person is being devalued - and this devaluation would collect from all sides, it is a wonder that he is even still a little credit for. We have no policy more, people need - no more medicine that is tailored to people, and this is received - no more work that would be there for the people, not vice versa - not a world, which would thus be perceived that they home of the people would be, that are home of her life - only statism, money Technokratur and dispossession of people - including expropriation of their inner life. -watching is not to be standing there as naked as our policies - which also affects his soul. This is also him anyway completely denied the benefit of the plasticity and programmability of himself every day again and again, modern man is shooed from shock baths: "Look here" he says politicians because they will inform yes - "so dangerous is the world, and your life in it - we politicians protect you, think for yourself, this world ready for you!"

Oh, and if the people do not fit, he's a terrorist. Also this club is a fear lobe. Hitler did not do anything else, just in different words and methods. "Whoever is not for us is against us." --- This is the super club, which can be applied to everything, and from all enemies, terrorists, and all possible can tinker. I will not deny that there is terror and terrorists in the world. But what we as everything is so necessary, is not a prudent matter more.

The slip par excellence is that it, and with some other arguments manslaughter again censorship measures are excused, as well as torture and other disgusting things. What has to happen, are the consequences of a world in which people are alienated - themselves, their vitality and originality.

but exactly what is deepened and continued by those who are themselves alienated and lifted enough so that they do not know everything, like this: To be a human a human, alive, sound, original and original. What exists today is doublespeak and doublethink - a sign that there is trauma.

Who needs more characters, the watch only has our society and youth drinking people. The values that our Chancellor Mrs. Merkel had so revived like to have seen and used are the stream flowed down the time. There is this not in the sense that early because they will not live and not exemplified. The future of the people has turned into a lottery with the chance at a lot of riveting, even if the education and training, everything is right. increase

that for many people the psychological problems is also a consequence of our traumatized world.
"Draw Up, "says the policy, because:" We want all of you! - Your work force, your health, your data - all -.. Your thoughts and knowledge, your feelings, "

not what the people are very own and belong only to him is himself under dubious circumstances themselves damaged people want other people run out and - the politicians as a blind and alienated himself to lead a nation, which they claim that it is itself a minor, alienated and blind How does it work

may not work


Sunday, August 9, 2009

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