even gives the EU Foreign Ministers to be shocked by the bombing in Afghanistan. Finally it should be discussed Afghansitan, and how that would make - and that makes a full moon like a command Germany down everything. That means nothing but trouble and justify itself, to express sympathy to the families of victims who provided exisstieren yet - and that is annoying and keeps on.
And there is also the foreign ministers from Britain, Milliband, who is also dismayed, but also restrain his anger must have caused deaths. Finally, we wanted to, that the military of the Afghan people get closer - so the walk but not notes Milliband. And again the talk of "never again" should happen to me ... How often have, and how often for? Full information is also - committed - once again. The Swedish Regent notes successes, and yet, it does not work with security, it does not work with the police ... Was it, and responsible for their training not Germany? --- And the German police are increasingly proving so that ultimately the nervous finger on the trigger of the weapon should be the decisive argument ...
It is still a special gag, after the attacker and all so gennau commanders knew that these were Taliban, that the attack happened on the night. If the night vision devices, tracking devices have a friend / foe identification?
seems particularly infamous for it if the ISAF expresses its regret, while speaking of the Afghans as friends. It is a perverse distortion of the concept of friendship - for friends to shoot normally not be bombarded this, either.
Our Defence Minister Jung is now particularly eager to explain to the commander for prudent, and the situation as critical. The Apology and Defence lies have only just begun ... The Wortgeschwalle afterwards is certainly very rich, while before that almost nothing was noted:
The Greens accuse the federal government, however, remains a "completely inadequate information of Parliament" on the NATO air attack. The coordinators of political groups on the Defence Committee had received 15 hours after the attack a "skinny 16-line announcement from the ministry, said the Green Party defense expert Winfried Nachtwei the Berlin newspaper Tagesspiegel. "So outrageous is something simple," he criticized. In view of the contradictory Reports of numerous civilian deaths the ministry owed to Parliament and the public "fastest, credible, open information."
With contempt, however, all the tests are confirmed, now also the victims of the war - which may be one in us - the "Friends" so to make responsible for what happened. The victims are themselves to blame, that others have attacked it, that others in their country around bomb and kill them, accusing them for all sorts of what it is not logical to dnn to bring the claim, one must hinschicken more troops there, to Afghanistan.
Even with the poles running from the same debates, as with us.
The assurances to allay, but credibility is nothing before we . Meanwhile, the United Nations team of experts in the north of Afghanistan have deployed to verify the incidents.
http://www.dw-world.de/dw/function/0, 12356_cid_4638214, 00.html? Maca = en-de_na-2225-xml-atom
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