child be in Germany ...
... is often really a disaster. If you frustrated by a mother or a father annoyed not to be related to early around the corner, various educational ideals wait for the troubled child. "Something will", it should, even though there is already a whole person - even if only on the way to adulthood, which may then cause suffering to future children with his ideas ...
And always provided the educational and religious ideals that children were required not later than three years as small adults - in terms of learning ability and morality - while these children on the other hand, was again the understanding agreed upon, when it came to uncomfortable things guardian were declared as such. Hermann Hesse has been handed down for an example, and he was an example of parental cruelty to what is capable when it finds that the son should be wayward.
However, it is surprising that the - particularly the old scandals - high boil right now in a time and wafts her disgusting abuse stench of the Republic, in the're all adults are also threatened by education, and are pressured by this - by State because of: smoking bans, Hartz IV as black education, reading ...
At a time when education and other ideals and adults to come back in to its best advantage, to show the dark side, the ugly face behind all the joy and pancake-Geto. The elite, which is lined up to teach us all Mores, and beizubiegen as we have all of us to work hard humble and behave have enabled us to tolerate at all, shows unmasked - abused and systematically trimmed to numbness, made inhuman some garbled crap to love.
It is not so long ago, our Chancellor Mrs. Merkel called on this, we should show more confidence in our elite - except that more trust in God would not hurt. In both religions just drop the masks and the elites are naked there - in the truest sense of the word ...
We learn, that these same elites have learned nothing but how people used and abused - is it any wonder that our world looks the same now with their policies and even so - and that so now banging into each skull. The pedagogical principle that has shaped this type, provides for nothing more than a lifetime to obey this same principle: learning without end, and mainly, that people are only of value if it can be expressed in usability - just was beaten into them, and at worst eingevögelt.
About this ideal, which is present mainly in reformist circles of the Protestant elite, you can find something see:
to the effects of other influences on education:
http : / /
I personally did this kind educational ideals will save - I was brought up to normal. The elite in population I do not, then, despite a good education and career, and I'm glad. However, I would be in such a school also did not stay, but would rather run away if I had forced my parents to do so. You have not done it, and I am glad.
other words, people like me are too stubborn for a career in that elite, which are grown by abuse and other perversities to rule over others without a hint of emotion.
be a child in Germany is just a matter of luck - like a lottery ...
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