Inge was in her blog of the opinion that we are helping people - and indeed have the direct, forget the interest shall make, or already forgotten.
She wrote:
Sometimes I feel that we all do not know how aid works - especially not when there are as it were, primitive conditions in which aid is to take place. With money, but as nothing is done, it would be skills and human qualities required, which may go beyond the usual "unwinding" of a thing. This we have but no longer exhibit, because we may be spoiled by our civilization.
How fast can it be over so that, at least temporarily, just shows the situation in Haiti. The old skills could not quite forget how to not be a mistake. But many are too comfortable to also promises this kind of learning and actuation just no return as performers ...
you had linked an article, and felt that Haiti does not need more blood. It is however still worse by a rotation. -over-haiti-struck before /
U.S. Air Force chief General Schwartz B-52 missions over Haiti before
From petrapez General Norton Schwartz and Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force, it might well have meant well with his proposal on January 20 at the National Security Conference in Washington, but he is stuck in the thinking of a military, where it strategically outside of clock and normality of the actual life and military structures lack obvious.His idea of heavy bombers of the U.S. Air Force of the type B-52 use of Haiti to take photos of the country to make that will document the extent of the destruction by the earthquake of January 12, bears out that he is capable of desperate people and the helper has completely misunderstood. Especially since the dominance of the U.S. military and the use of private Mercenaries right to give the impression that the Pentagon is here that occupy land and not leave.
If now in addition to the 10 000 soldiers and the arriving U.S. warships thunder U.S. fighter planes crisscross the sky, the psychological damage to the traumatized people of Haiti is irreparable. The B-52 is a synonym for war and bombing. They were also used in the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, where they have dropped their deadly cargo.
Schwartz said "You would never guess that a B-52 would do this kind of thing. What we say on the strategic Level to try to do is that we do not let ourselves down in the traditional applications of our resources. . And you think in general, and aggressive, as better use of these assets is to make " probably now the most to be moved about so much generosity of the general - to help as much as possible - and ask yourself, is here unlimited naivety or deceit before. Certainly the strategists of the Pentagon will be relieved to be able to declare these planned flights of the fighter-bomber as civilian use before the world public. This wasted money could be unnecessary for many aid packages finance water, food and medicines for the Haitians. Source: