Sunday, January 24, 2010

Shoulder Pain Ectopic Pregnancy Where In Shoulder

of alienation and empathy Sensibilitität

Inge was in her blog of the opinion that we are helping people - and indeed have the direct, forget the interest shall make, or already forgotten.

She wrote:

Sometimes I feel that we all do not know how aid works - especially not when there are as it were, primitive conditions in which aid is to take place. With money, but as nothing is done, it would be skills and human qualities required, which may go beyond the usual "unwinding" of a thing. This we have but no longer exhibit, because we may be spoiled by our civilization.

How fast can it be over so that, at least temporarily, just shows the situation in Haiti. The old skills could not quite forget how to not be a mistake. But many are too comfortable to also promises this kind of learning and actuation just no return as performers ...

you had linked an article, and felt that Haiti does not need more blood. It is however still worse by a rotation. -over-haiti-struck before /

U.S. Air Force chief General Schwartz B-52 missions over Haiti before

From petrapez General Norton Schwartz and Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force, it might well have meant well with his proposal on January 20 at the National Security Conference in Washington, but he is stuck in the thinking of a military, where it strategically outside of clock and normality of the actual life and military structures lack obvious.
His idea of heavy bombers of the U.S. Air Force of the type B-52 use of Haiti to take photos of the country to make that will document the extent of the destruction by the earthquake of January 12, bears out that he is capable of desperate people and the helper has completely misunderstood. Especially since the dominance of the U.S. military and the use of private Mercenaries right to give the impression that the Pentagon is here that occupy land and not leave.
If now in addition to the 10 000 soldiers and the arriving U.S. warships thunder U.S. fighter planes crisscross the sky, the psychological damage to the traumatized people of Haiti is irreparable. The B-52 is a synonym for war and bombing. They were also used in the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, where they have dropped their deadly cargo.
Schwartz said "You would never guess that a B-52 would do this kind of thing. What we say on the strategic Level to try to do is that we do not let ourselves down in the traditional applications of our resources. . And you think in general, and aggressive, as better use of these assets is to make "800px-B-52_flying_over_clouds probably now the most to be moved about so much generosity of the general - to help as much as possible - and ask yourself, is here unlimited naivety or deceit before. Certainly the strategists of the Pentagon will be relieved to be able to declare these planned flights of the fighter-bomber as civilian use before the world public.
This wasted money could be unnecessary for many aid packages finance water, food and medicines for the Haitians. Source:

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Metal Cliff Keen Headgear

The response of the pirates to Nazis in Dresden

Communication current events

used The Pirate Party of Germany decided against right wing extremism in all its forms. , Xenophobia, racism and anti-Semitism are the fundamental values of the pirates against contrary. If it on 13 February 2010 in Dresden to get a demonstration of neo-Nazis, the Pirate Party calls explicitly to counter-demonstration, rallies and vigils on. It supports all actions against right, do not hinder the freedom of assembly. For a responsible for the content. Federal Press Office of the Pirate Party of Germany editor: Lena Rohrbach, Simon Long and Daniel flaxen hair

Nausea For A Week -pregnancy

Life at GEZ seems bleak ...

... because the people there can be their everyday dreariness loosen prostitutes were in demand. , and also the visits were paid for these women other since it can be but as much tighter on and experience -... to pass sends precisely the prosecution some investigators to raid

such thing is mentioned in state law circles corruption

High Cervix For Over A Week

Very interresting article on the matter in Nazi Dresden

23rd January, 2010 @ 13:50 Filed under

politics, society , Personally ,

Saxony, Dresden

, The supposedly two-edged sword to support also something that restricts the free speech of Nazis is just as long as two-edged sword, as long as you do not distinguish opinion and ideology. An opinion does not a man. When I look at the statistics right violence so I come to the conclusion that it is not here can be a mind. It is ideology, to action, instigation and at the end of murder and manslaughter. be the way the people who defend the Nazis in their "freedom" of those same "tolerance idiot stated. And I do not come choice but to admit that I contain within a single point, which must agree to this, actually. Fortunately, this is really the only one. Ah, and "democrats" which is an insult to the enemy is referred to the system. Sorry, but I am not prepared to admit people the "freedom" that of all others, including abolishing the right to life. One can protect freedom in different ways to death. Once, removing himself liberties in order to avoid attacks of others. But even by the enemies of freedom can be used all the freedom to destroy them. I can not understand how someone of the stupidity of the logic of Security delusion recognizes and condemns the same stupidity and irrationality represents by those who abolish all want freedom, just admit the possibilities, and not notice that it so the other side is the same medal, with the same output: the abolition of civil and human rights and loss of freedom. The freedom that we (still) have won is a freedom. Won a not always peaceful, one that from the one who wants to be free calls again and again to stand up for them, and against trends, they want to abolish defended, which will be fought again and again and needs. Freedom does not happen by doing nothing, freedom Rather, let's just lost by refusing, looking away and Grant. Read Next?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Winnebago Minnie 1996

Are you a smoker? Sometimes happy, often unwillingly? Whether in the coffee break, a lively discussion or after a meal, the cigarette is simply a must. For stress reduction, relaxation and reward. Smoking is no longer your own taste, but become an automatic, unconscious program. You want your freedom back?

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The guide consists of three parts. Each part is important to realize, as your need arises
to smoke and how to liberate themselves from it.

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Part Two: The cigarette, my friend and helper: This is about the high-tech cigarette product, and therefore to see through this apparent friend and helper as well as its own mechanisms of repression, and rationalization.

Part Three: Back to Freedom: With the help of useful information and practical tips, step by step to Non smoking. Will you deal confidently with the desire for a cigarette and come off at your own pace from it. Your mindset and your attitude change. intended to smoke instead of the habit, you determine your own habits again

The authors
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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

K 3386 Seat Installation

condition for a Nobel Prize ...

is ... for example:

"The capital of Testamtentsvollstrecker in safe securities realized, is to form a fund with an annual interest will be allotted to as prizes to those who have made the preceding year, the greatest benefit to mankind. The interest shall be divided into five equal parts, of which falls (...) one part to the most or the best work for fraternity of the people and worked for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and the formation and spread of peace congresses has, "said Nobel declared his will.

The Nobel Peace Prize should be the man that "last year provided the greatest benefit to mankind" has given.

Well ... Good article can be found here:

What Is The Price To Remove A Sebaceous Cyst?

For it is a crusade? ... Good question

Obama's list of potential enemies to be checked, speaks for himself - and Lebanon to ask right, whether it would be easier list equal the entire world population. All Al Qaeda - all potential enemies - all suspicious.

But, it is not the whole world - not the entire world population - which is on Obama's list, but it is precisely
675 million Muslims.

All these people need to be profiled in future control strictly, even from other States, otherwise they lose their land rights. It is not just about whether we fit in and for the methods, but also about the strict Oama state land still may.

This also means that each of the few surviving newborn in the countries from which the 675 million Muslims, land with their arrival in this world, with the first cry, on this list are terrorists. Every baby that just slips out of the womb of the mother, even before it can take a drink is a potential terrorist. The sweet words have long since faded away, the Obama's outstretched hand was a kitsch legend. It's just disgusting how people are arbitrarily declared to terrorists because they come from a country that disapproves of President Obama - mainly because it is dominated by Islam. It is as if Obama put up a different kind, no longer in the world, as only the Western culture. Where just here now to bite the cat its own tail seems, then, do the Western culture is so pretty at the moment martial ...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Licensing Trailer In Ontario

are you liberal? Or in the FDP?

freedoms and fundamental rights have fewer and fewer advocates.

Gay Cruising Parks Miami Florida

Staying ... There

... even if it is difficult.

2010 - how much time we have left?

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The past year has clearly demonstrated that we progress further and faster on the way to a new age. An age of global dictatorship. Since we live legally 12/01/2009 writes: "The country of origin principle / the principle of mutual recognition entdemokratisiert largely the living conditions of the Member States, such as in food law, in services and labor, because the own laws of the country, but the country of origin (grown) on factors " Poltikverdrossenheit , particularly young voters complained and now we are passed back to the agenda. The good citizen has done his duty, and if not, do not care to report, because we have the next four years anyway nothing.
not seen in Germany, no we are now living in the EU. The EU has come up with an entirely new Constitution for us, one that is in the executive to allow us to shoot on the street , we should dare to demonstrate the wrong thing. The Economic and Monetary Union, we owe a neo-liberal economic constitution of the stock markets and competition. The EU has decided for us all is that now the country of origin principle and not the destination principle applies, which will affect mainly the consumer very negative. Prof. Dr. Karl-Albrecht Schachtschneider, an expert on EU law
Our fourth pillar of democracy -. pardon - dictatorship - meaning the mainstream media - all this has of course discussed privately, the Lisbon Treaty was unnoticed as far as possible. waved through by the public at the end of the year, while our politicians are using the media, the common people - or, in their view more likely to vote livestock - with the usual false promises and assurances during the general election hysteria fed and the mass media as if possessed, seemed to persuade the voters, count their votes and that it is unforgivable - is downright undemocratic yes to choose not to go. Following the election was still a bit on the
must now our imaginary world with Short hours and Co. only until the spring of 2010 will be maintained for the state elections in North Rhine-Westphalia for black-run yellow positive and we followed inexorably and faster to control in the police state à la Schäuble with body scanners at airports and fingerprints on the ID card (of course, voluntarily ...). Our economy may then finally go down all the stream, reduced hours, after the elections, leaving at last, for the needs of the people, such as the extravagant demands for clothing, food and a roof over your head you have to first in 2013, again care - or at least pretend that, if the rank and file not transfer his voice again - in the truest sense of the word. Or maybe there's 2013, no elections - perhaps we will one morning, some time after the total collapse of our economy, after the panic has begun the people to yell for help and gives the government any authority to which they will as long as the world will never again rose, explains that we now have a world government with a world currency and Obama as our President world, such as the Bilderberg-sheet time now dubbed him so much.
the attentive reader who is trying to learn every day in the mainstream media will not have been unaware that the U.S. increasingly aggressive attempts to secure its dominant position with the EU Member States and its Arab allies in the Asian continent. On various pretexts for dropping bombs on various countries, it is never lacking. Either the specter of Osama bin Laden will be brought back to life and a
new tape he appears, in which he threatens the Western world, destroy the earth from a cave in or it will once again committed a terrorist attack
or ; prevented at the last minute to enable the population in fear and some miserable by the CIA recruited Terroristchen migrates as a scapegoat behind bars. fall Subsequently
bombs on the Yemeni population or in the other country which is said to have instructed the terrorists, but of course only after our mainstream media have enough made mood and the people cried for vengeance, or at least no objection has .
If then a few hundred civilians targeted dropping
bombs on tankers while on it to go, our government claims only it were all Taliban
and later spoke of it that you do everything to
to avoid collateral damage (Note: as they are now common even in a war in which we only the security of our country to defend ). If the West can think of no other reason that it legitimized to invade a country to grab its oil reserves, there is still the agitation against the then ruling regime , freeing the country from their evil dictators by the oh so democratic West is our highest priority and have first priority, but all we had schonmal
- why we should not forget to set our own house?
The disinformation campaigns of our mass media in this year sure to increase. But the latest scare tactics in terms of man-made climate change time for the Copenhagen summit showed how little the mainstream media is the truth. The whole climate hoax was revealed recently that is real, but most of the media seemed not worth mentioning, and then it was in a single article dealt , only to resume immediately after the old scare tactics.

go ahead and read on - here: time-is-us-even