... even if it is difficult.
2010 - how much time we have left?
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Posted by: Julie Dorloff Saturday 02 January 2010 at 19:54 clock
not seen in Germany, no we are now living in the EU. The EU has come up with an entirely new Constitution for us, one that is in the executive to allow us to shoot on the street , we should dare to demonstrate the wrong thing. The Economic and Monetary Union, we owe a neo-liberal economic constitution of the stock markets and competition. The EU has decided for us all is that now the country of origin principle and not the destination principle applies, which will affect mainly the consumer very negative. Prof. Dr. Karl-Albrecht Schachtschneider, an expert on EU law | writes:
Our fourth pillar of democracy -. pardon - dictatorship - meaning the mainstream media - all this has of course discussed privately, the Lisbon Treaty was unnoticed as far as possible. waved through by the public at the end of the year, while our politicians are using the media, the common people - or, in their view more likely to vote livestock - with the usual false promises and assurances during the general election hysteria fed and the mass media as if possessed, seemed to persuade the voters, count their votes and that it is unforgivable - is downright undemocratic yes to choose not to go. Following the election was still a bit on the | Poltikverdrossenheit
must now our imaginary world with Short hours and Co. only until the spring of 2010 will be maintained for the state elections in North Rhine-Westphalia for black-run yellow positive and we followed inexorably and faster to control in the police state à la Schäuble with body scanners at airports the attentive reader who is trying to learn every day in the mainstream media will not have been unaware that the U.S. increasingly aggressive attempts to secure its dominant position with the EU Member States and its Arab allies in the Asian continent. On various pretexts for dropping bombs on various countries, it is never lacking. Either the specter of Osama bin Laden will be brought back to life and a new tape he appears, in which he threatens the Western world, destroy the earth from a cave in or it will once again committed a terrorist attack or ; prevented at the last minute to enable the population in fear and some miserable by the CIA recruited Terroristchen migrates as a scapegoat behind bars. fall Subsequently bombs on the Yemeni population or in the other country which is said to have instructed the terrorists, but of course only after our mainstream media have enough made mood and the people cried for vengeance, or at least no objection has . If then a few hundred civilians targeted dropping bombs on tankers while on it to go, our government claims only it were all Taliban and later spoke of it that you do everything to to avoid collateral damage (Note: as they are now common even in a war in which we only the security of our country to defend ). If the West can think of no other reason that it legitimized to invade a country to grab its oil reserves, there is still the agitation against the then ruling regime , freeing the country from their evil dictators by the oh so democratic West is our highest priority and have first priority, but all we had schonmal - why we should not forget to set our own house? The disinformation campaigns of our mass media in this year sure to increase. But the latest scare tactics in terms of man-made climate change time for the Copenhagen summit showed how little the mainstream media is the truth. The whole climate hoax was revealed recently that is real, but most of the media seemed not worth mentioning, and then it was in a single article dealt , only to resume immediately after the old scare tactics. go ahead and read on - here: http://www.zeitkritiker.de/index.php/regierungen/demokratien/255-2010-wie-viel- time-is-us-even |
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