favorites in Munich
looking Range Rover our favorite places in Munich, Hamburg, Berlin, Dusseldorf, Stuttgart and Frankfurt. Whether there are bars, cafes, shops, galleries, clubs and restaurants now. I find the call very well and would sometimes reflect my two cents, because this call is also good for us: it's always nice to find like-minded people who share the same favorite coffee shop or a new finding oneself unknown location, the their own night and Sunday culturally enriched lives.
Just today we start with the Lokationssammlung, but not only in Munich if you come from the aforementioned cities, or there ever were and there you know a shop that you find absolutely great, it says here!
All participants will be a € 400 voucher for ASOS and 4 cards +1 for the Range Rover Award Party giving away!
A big favorite for me, the Living Room Café at the Max Weber Platz. Comfortable, nice and cheesy it is French, Belgian, elegant and charming. Just be a nice café, and it must just have a feeling it will give also the right time to be in the right place.
But there are so many other good shops. The Café Bar cosmos in which to get the cheapest beer and the room just the popular Shavy chic has the Puerto Giesing, which unfortunately does soon, cafe Prasserie and Marais, in Berlin gave me the Café Matilda and Maria really liked and there are many, many more!
What are your favorite shops and places, and why? I look forward to your answers!
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