Saturday, February 12, 2011

Use Liquid Foundation In Airbrush

Gorilla Camp - intensity has a name

The free slots for GORILLA CAMP II be less and less. Who on 9 April (Saturday) to be there, if we will be spending in the wild and unusual training methods should be a great day, quickly declared under ! Those who still reports to Monday gets a bonus video sent!

Funny, I always find the many emails (almost daily) that I get when people protest, they are desperate for a the seminars of us to be there and and and. In most cases, is the holding empty air! Unfortunately, there are few that make it truly ACTION, but they are probably in many other areas, so "consistently". But there are plenty of others. And that's a comforting feeling.

Here is a photo gallery of the thing that we took last year successfully on the stage. Fun and fellowship including: !

a good weekend,



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