Monday, March 7, 2011

Post-pregnancy Tattoo

, the Pegboard

Intensity has a name. Dr. Ken Leistner of the . About this man, I've already written several times on the blog here. The man gives himself with almost 60 years nothing. Shown here in this incredibly motivating Video:

Dr. Ken goes with each unit to the pain threshold and often beyond. 23 squats with 185 pounds are another thing that he has been given once to a birthday a few years ago. Ouch! He has already written two decades ago about things like sled pulling, grip strength training, etc.. A visionary, but one that has held up not only the theory. He was a practitioner. One, the very intensive way!

Fight on,


Custom Green Egg Table

Home Sweet Home

After a year I finally got my room as far as character and Amelie-love to give, that it is ready to be photographed and presented. Really a perfect room / furniture is never, but now I can say that it is my room, because it reflects me in many, many little things. It is not too romantic, not too perfect, it keeps things from the past and apart from Ikea wardrobe is not available. Yes! I did it. So, enjoy browsing.
Just another hipster triangle from outta space. The birthday gift of love Andre!

over the chair, a T-shirt imprinted with "KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK -. Penny "x 3 (of course)

Bazinga liquor is drunk iced tea with green

The jewelry in the cage

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Zumba How Long To Lose Weight

"under control" (starring Steve Maxwell)

I have again a few days ago on TV a Strongman seen -contest and was instantly inspired for my workout today! Tires, rope pulling, stones and a sledgehammer had to say after a long absence once again on the program and it has enormous fun. An ideal unit for the weekend. who

gravity pull things, balancing, etc. is an incredibly good workout. It strengthens major muscle groups like legs and back, makes functionally strong and is also huge on heart and circulatory system!

Here unit in detail:
- Warming
- sledgehammer tire
- take small tires (loaded with stones about 100 kg) with large tires (150 kg) heave
- Sled Pull (150 kg)
- Farmers Walk with tires (120 kg)
- Finisher: throw stones (20 kg), pull-ups and ring dips

Glück Auf,


PS: Our work on the slope Elan situation with Karl Humor continue to run at full speed! Something like this it would be rare. This reminds really been big in Ninja Warrior ! Yesterday we can again get a massive steel delivery :-) The many participants of the Gorilla II camps are looking forward!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Huntik Season 2 Update

From the classic role-playing

The following is the result of reflection on my preferred style of play that I have independently pursued by the whole RPG experiments over recent years and with whom I all stages of curiosity went through to dislike and finally appreciation. And that since Day 1. The points in it have no particular order, I have only tried to sort it fairly logical, and it is sometimes very difficult to separate from each other.

me is when combining only noticed how many restrictions are still attached to it and what is refining a variety of naturally grown over the years but everything requires at individual aspects.

plays honest: Tell-heavy indie role-playing out old school celled minimalist lightweight ago, but we love them, our "rules-heavy system." Everything else is just "light", is not it? Dozens of attributes, derived values, tons of skills. Finely chiseled character designs. Endless tables of equipment and every other action has its detailed rules. Many players, this helps when immersed in the game world. These are systems such as Midgard, DSA or Harnmaster and GURPS. Systems, which for decades have a permanent place in the hobby. Just "traditional" RPGs.

But "classic", which means the at all for me? If other role players say classic, then they might think of AD & D, to travel or even Tunnels & Trolls. But I started at the German orbit of role-playing games and classic to me means something completely different and I will try to fill that with little theoretical concepts with concrete content. I use "classic" not as a higher quality but because I so "learned" have. Classic for me is a limited combination of control and game world and round elements of style, which I like to refer in the future if the speech is from classic:

Classic, this is the simple basic mechanism builds on everything. One or more cubes with added bonuses and deductions against minimums or maximums. There are absolute values of time, kannn that the challenge level are compared. No Tarokarten, finger paint or play without rules.

Classic, which is the division of a character's attributes and skills. Attributes that represent the innate potential of an improvable most difficult character. Skills, on the other hand, are learned patterns that are rapidly expandable and flexible. The attributes in the game mechanics have an overarching impact on the skills.

Classic, which is the award of experience points with which one the characters may develop, either through stages of pre-defined options, or to pay for itself selectable character. The game character may be compared to the generation condition significantly by the accumulation of experience and game mechanics improve noticeably over the challenges. There are no ready threads, developed characters, each advance is earned.

Classic, which is the attack sample, the alternative sample, or climbing over speech sample. Unique, time-limited nature of actions are closely tested separately by using dice rolls. If necessary, several times in a row. Samples affect those changing game values of character, the content directly related to the cause of the event. Produced a hit with a weapon as injuries and costs no abstract hit points like "position in the fight," "Dramatic Spotlight," the desire for revenge "or similar. The rules make small steps and directly as possible so credible action sequences in the game world dar. The intent is to interpret the impact rule and thus avoid the misunderstandings in the game as much as possible. There is no space for manipulations of abstract is temporal, spatial relationships, such as the limitation of any of the available actions (cf. D & D4 Powers or Fate Aspects).

Classic, which is the focus on the game mechanics juridification the game world events. On the one hand is the equal treatment of players from representational perspective - the so-called playing off thus represents not a quality that decides between success and failure, but is a general, casual game destination - on the other is the uncertain element of tension in a dice game and the numerous tactics influenced , control parameters additional sources of fun dar. There are however no direct treatment of the character acts within the rules. The rules are based on the feasibility of the direct nature of actions at the table, not on the unification the game procedures. For example, there is no social combat systems in parallel with the combat rules of mechanical details of things you can not just implement this good (eg by playing). The focus on the detailed mechanical representation of fighting against just that reflects the importance of the game. The rules, however, seek to provide solutions for as many eventualities, regardless of the actual style of play of the round. This has the simple reason that there are no two rounds on the ground that behave the same and it makes more sense to provide a range of options available, than to write for one of these rounds a set of rules. The round must be aware of this responsibility. In the foreground is the perfect amount of playability is facing the most accurate, sophisticated implementation of the actual game events by rules, for example, by the separation of many skills, many action maneuvers, the mutual influence of feature values, or many other possibilities. The rules are binding as a reliable reference for all players.

Classic, the equipment is heavy. These are long tables with objects, magical as unmagisch, which are defined by many values and differ characteristically from each other. The equipment is another puzzle piece to individualize the character, the also play noticeable. The presence of equipment in the game world is reflected in the values that describe them, ie for the existence or the frequency of each item, there are internal reasons for the world game. As a result, among other balance of the game stats. There is no "shear over the ridge" of all the equipment classes or marginalization of decisions by "best choices" to make the alternatives obsolete.

Classic, which is the object of separation of GM and Player. The game leader entscheided on the application of the rules (not their interpretation!). It represents gamemaster characters and sets in motion events to the players reached exclusively respond with their characters can. The events may vary according to style of play established sequences and procedures meet or completely unstructured and open-ended consequences are. Players do not play a lead player character or allies. They also decide not over the course of action or in which situations now what consequences would have a particularly dramatic effect. Players make while playing no scenic facts (but may well contributions to the game world).

Classic, which is to limit the perception of the game world on its own character. One sees, hears and knows only the things that experienced by the character in the game world as well. The Round knowledge of the player does this not come into play. Cube samples and values determine the events more than the personality of the player who tries to align his character, rather than vice versa. No 11-foot pole tricks against trap doors for the stupid Orkcharakter when the dice say something else. The game mechanics juridification has precedence over the representation of the character. Conversely, for the players but also "what the player character can, he can." can have in a classic role-playing game it not prescribe the possible prohibiting actions, eg the case in which a player character to sell any magic items for trade price, because the playing style of the system this is covered but no longer deliver game world why. Or that a player character to perform an act can not because it does not appear dramatic enough. All this has a positive effect on the identification with the own player character.

Classic, that's the adventure in miniature. The focus is always on the small community of the player characters. The remit of the players on the grounds of "think in the game world," limited to their characters, is so they make no decisions for allies (eg in militant clashes) are behind both practical considerations to the team captain, and the intensification of the player experience. Armies, economies and borders are at best moved in the final. Battles and personalities appear as high degree of large events on the schedule. The problems revolve more around things that affect the characters acute or to persons who have personal contact with the characters. The characters are everyday heroes in their fantasy game world, the fight only after a long journey, an essential place in it.

Classic, the "games for the moment". There is no overarching structure, not a goal on the game must also run the evening. No plan, which executes it. Scenes have no roles or have concluded be. The importance and purpose of a game scene follows organically from the game. A conversation in the tavern, for example, must find neither in the overall structure of a story, yet it must meet certain requirements theatrical. The current mood of play determined by the importance of a game scene for the evening game. If it has all round fun with their characters play off the purchase of a mule, then there is no reason for this formal, functional purposes (such as the drama) cut off. The round does not help the game scenes on the variety of moods of the game in the evening and does not force a fair, in which all content to aufmerksamkeitserheischender themselves on opportunities which be sound, want to be marveled at even time intervals. Classic role-playing is relaxing and not sports.

Classic, these are plausible, consistent game worlds. All events can be traced in a comprehensible context. Is it as magical items, so there is someone who has produced, this has some cost, which he brings a certain way come again. There are no separate game world elements, but they fit logically into the whole and interact with each other. It is the responsibility of the director track of these interactions. The game worlds are often a reflection of our world, the focus is on catchy and familiarity, not alienation and curiosities. This also makes it easier to put yourself in the game world.

These are the things I expect when I am with a round of 'classic role-playing game "put together. It sounds very special, one might think, but it was just a personal list of my likes and words such as "detailed" and often there is a matter of interpretation. However, I've mostly moved in classic rounds on the Internet for years watching the player base and do not see large, unified common ground where you can find any, but need not.

I count Midgard RuneQuest, DSA or Shadowrun, among other things to these classic games. I'm not saying that they meet the requirements identical or error-free. God does not know, quite the opposite! And that is exactly my concern in this matter. In my experience with the product landscape of RPGs for that particular type of role-playing game has suffered greatly. Almost all types of role-playing have benefitted greatly by the movements of the last 10-15 years or even added. Even the ancients' old-school players with new editions or new designs of their playing styles through the "Retroklonwelle" pulled their advantage. And players, the movie-like dramatic role playing games have driven the careful handling with game mechanics anyway vorrangetrieben in recent years.

But what do the classic role-playing? You stagnate. No progress, no self-reflection of the claims, no new solutions to old problems. Instead, there is a spin from the defects, regurgitation of the contents and ignoring complications. A languish in the bottom of the limited horizon. Gambling problems in the round are partly covered decades-old game experience and abducted and soft from the conscious perception. Each small change is fought and clinging to trivia, systems are defined by small things and recognized. So be eg DSA DSA is no longer if there is no 3W20 Samples would have. As the hobby would depend on it. It lacks any distance to your own playing style.

Where is the "System Does Matter" Revolution of the classic role-playing? Where the retro wave? Where are the invigorating, high-quality products competing against DSA and co? Where are the so-called rule-laden Heart Breaker remained that the Internet was flooded, the only timid attempts of then sit down with our own classic standards apart?

The classic role-players are already a frugal folk. They are also the Musikantenstadl visitors of the role play. The only alternatives in the forums on the old, used classic dinosaurs are proposed to be exactly that: "not classic". And that is exactly what a classical player would not just get.

The things that I've taken from the theory useful discussions on the role-play in the last few years, I have always been applied to the classic game, and they helped me to know I appreciate it. But this Thoeriediskussionen yes the classic game than unconscious, ill-conceived and unstructured stigmatized and marginalized. We hear from the "sausage games" or the "peasant Gaming". It has invested much energy in particular to the meme in the world to put that in fact every role player on a stylization of the rules interested, would be as they would want the game "in the way". But I want to remind you that hide behind a classic role-playing concepts and claims, as well as behind any other style of play. Now would also be nice to eventually see that this kind of role play and a modernization experiences.

could look like such a modern classic game? Is it that perhaps (I can think of at least one that has tried it)? If you this kind of classic game familiar to you? Where precht against her? If you have any ideas to let us in the comments area or in know rsp-blogs forum .

Scooter With Sidecar Illinois

I'M THE SWAN QUEEN !!!!!! Just sayin ..

carnival is coming up and I oute me herewith as a small fan, not because I'm on drunken clowns and boys dressed as girls meet not just my humor. The music is usually terrible. But I'm happy thoughts about my costume, like to invest a little more time (and less money. I would never invest more than 10 € for a costume, if at all 10 Euro) and like to drink!

before last year I was a sweet princess , last year Vincent Vega (well, hardly anyone recognizes it, but man alone has to be fun) and this year it is, of course, Black Swan. Admittedly not very imaginative, but I had everything important in my wardrobe.

Here's a little taste. The finished costume photos will hopefully follow in the next few days!

spring skirt from Zara, vintage bag, shoes and velvet dress from Primark

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Miosotis Compares Breasts

New interview with me

In this part we currently have our joy - the Pegboard , or in this country (un) known as breadboard . Looks much easier than it actually is. Man Hangs Up a short hand over hand (or longer) as fractions of an arm, pulls it and calls the back, arms, grip and huge belly! This means that also people who are good at pull-ups, a new challenge and set a new stimulus. Karl and I had after the first tests a powerful muscle in the entire upper body.

In my eyes, and from my experience, these things prepare better for a one-armed chin-ups pull-ups such as extra heavy weight! You learn a lot more, with only one arm to work! Rope climbing is similarly good charms!

people who are the Gorilla Camp II on 9 April have secured a place will come to enjoy the bread board, hand over hand. Even with my seminar with Steve Maxwell on 8 / 9 July it will come naturally used among other things! In addition to many many other unknown "toys". Hang our own diesel system shines in a completely new look!

luck Up,


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Post Forteo Treatment

True words

grip force is extremely important in training. It has often addressed here! It should be not complicate this specialized training but do it anyway. Either through labs (such as with thicker handles, rope, etc.) or stand-alone business! Steve Maxwell and I show you a great exercise (brought back from our stay) from Costa Rica), which is not only for washing women

the great Steve Maxwell there are, as announced last week in an interview, so now again in 2011 experience in Austria. The slots are open, under you can apply for the "Maxwell Feiss training camp on 8 / 9 July Register! I can guarantee one thing: There will be another great fun and a seminar with a difference! Some people have focused on the interview recently secured a place.

Yesterday we have a new training weapon of Karl Humers Hang diesel system for the first time tested. Of course videos were taken. But that does next. Clear that this thing even when Gorilla Camp II in April and at the seminar with Steve Maxwell in July in use. Rarely before I got my Waist "scream" so belongs to this torture! Too bad that this weapon is extremely rare yet is used. This is like "climbing rope plus pull-ups with additional weight Deluxe".

So as I said, who is fast on the safe side with the only appearance by Steve Maxwell in Central Europe 2011th Otherwise, the Americans see only in Iceland and Cyprus to host this year.

a good week start,


Can I Put Yellow Strobes On My Truck

Today is my birthday, so we celebrate all of my friends are happy for me (and woe betide if not).
And those who today do not have a birthday, should celebrate too. Because it's Saturday, and Saturdays should always be celebrated, I think. Except you have a hangover, if that is the case: Poor You.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Female Labia Streching

waste wood which

Hello people!

is just a new interview went with me online. Bossk coach from Dortmund, a very innovative and motivated friend, me consulted on some issues. Also a great seminar date for summer 2011 will be published here. Listening best look:

on this link, you can download the whole !

Next week I have a super grip force video prepared. Another souvenir from Costa Rica ;-)!

Until then,


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Siffredi Lilli Carati Foto


pants H & M, belt and coat flea market, top Zara, bag DIY

Friday, February 18, 2011

Build Bluetooth Dongle

New Interview

training need not be complicated. The John Wood writes in a good blog kürzlich eindrucksvoll nieder und das ist genug an Leitsätzen fürs Wochenende. Haut rein!

A lot of folks (including yours truly) often take a look at someone who has been very successful in something and assume that there must be some secret to it.

The reality of the situation is almost always that the reasons behind that Success are very basic concepts, simply executed very well.

Joe Kinney, as you may or may not know, was the first man to close the Ironmind #4 gripper, and did so in a manner never seen before or since - it was like a tou in his hand.

Now, he certainly had some techniques and pieces of equipment that he came up with in order to train to do so...

... but the "Secret" to his training (if you could call it that) was this:

Every single workout he either got more reps or used a heavier weight that the workout before it.

Think about this for a moment... that's basically everything you would need to know about making training work summed up in about a dozen and a half words.

Why don't many people get the results they want out of training? They just kind of do "stuff" -- one day it's singles, the next day its German Volume training, and maybe a bit of wave cycle periodization the day after that.

Sure, they put the time in, and perhaps a fair bit of effort but such a random approach doesn't really build toward anything in the longrun.

And yes, it is also very easy to make things a lot more complicated than they need to be, and I fall into that trap all the time.

However, when it does happen, I go back to that statement - "OK, all I need to do is do more reps or a heavier weight than last time"

Amazingly, this always seemd to be "the answer"
not to mention a way to clear up my own self- imposed confusion.

This is also a pretty darn good mindset to have in terms of gripper training as well ~ understandably.

So, if you end up confused about your training, my advice is to take a tip from Joe Kinney and what you need to do should become as clear as day...

Train hard,
John Wood

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Idea To Put On Wedding Koozie

Last Chance

Another video souvenir from Costa Rica. This ladder was built in two hours with old wood and Co.! Excellent for hand over hand, pull-ups, etc.! My friend Steve Maxwell proves here that even with close to 60 years can be very, very explosive! Such jumps, even up to and hanging are far from easy! The women also watch shows or hand over hand, the film editor for 21 seconds!

to Gorilla Camp II on 9 April come in any case, three women and I know that the less than weak!

Glück Auf,


Monday, February 14, 2011

Es Skateboard Brand What Does It Stand For

Gorilla Camp II

Turner are well known in terms of performance and aesthetically seen the most impressive athletes on earth. On now a former world-class man can be heard in an interview with Jürgen rice. Thomas Zimmermann (see picture above), x-time Austrian champion, and find in his playing days in the world rankings at the front. Even a separate jump was named after him!
Even if only a few reach such a level some exercises from the Turner-Arsenal but also ring training should necessarily involve everyone in his personal training. Success guaranteed! Who controls his body well, can control other things. Coach Sommer wrote in his great book "Building the gymnastic body" that he could make now deadlift with a heavy weight, since he had the necessary body strength and power of gymnastics.
Here is another video highlight of traction seminar in Dortmund. A similar and much more is on 9 expected April at the Gorilla Camp II :

A good start to the week starts (with an even better training :-)),

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Yamaha Nytro Clutch Slipping

is the party to end

on ... And once threw empty old in the Congress Hall. Boys Noize again brought the crowd to a musical orgasm. Thanks to this location.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Use Liquid Foundation In Airbrush

Gorilla Camp - intensity has a name

The free slots for GORILLA CAMP II be less and less. Who on 9 April (Saturday) to be there, if we will be spending in the wild and unusual training methods should be a great day, quickly declared under ! Those who still reports to Monday gets a bonus video sent!

Funny, I always find the many emails (almost daily) that I get when people protest, they are desperate for a the seminars of us to be there and and and. In most cases, is the holding empty air! Unfortunately, there are few that make it truly ACTION, but they are probably in many other areas, so "consistently". But there are plenty of others. And that's a comforting feeling.

Here is a photo gallery of the thing that we took last year successfully on the stage. Fun and fellowship including: !

a good weekend,


Friday, February 11, 2011

Bible Verses On Lettermans Jackets

By Lady Gaga and the wish list

I'm now a Lady Gaga Tshirt. It glitters.
I would like to have another Madonna and Britney shirt, then I'm a bitch for a decade.
Thank you. Click

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cure For Labyrinthitis

Strongman Training Day

So here is finally the video from traction seminar last weekend with coach Bossk in Dortmund, where Charles has been with fellow gas! Since the mail has already been properly addressed!

The next highlight of 2011 is on the march: The rise GORILLA CAMP II on 9 April (Saturday) in the natural training center Thomasroith! Who wants to develop tension at its best, where to fun and camaraderie is not neglected and innovative training methods loves, which is right here! A Prowler, as shown above on the video call, including our own, and thus we can do is fine stuff. However, tires and more will come that day to use!

PAL Janis, the Baumkraxler has already left a message: "I'm looking forward to better delivery Camp Karl and Dominik sure call back right Am already on the extension of the slope Elan situation tense greetings to OÖ!!.! !! "

I would say: What are you waiting for? Already some people have subscribed to this fixed date!

Glück Auf,

Dominik PS: The contract with all details GORILLA CAMP II comes before the weekend!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Princess Cruise How Much Are Softdrinks

The heroic February pistol at 27.02. at 19:30 in the particle accelerator

Readers gun! - The reading boring show in the living room with atomic Wilko Franz and nasty guests. Texts, Krams and live music between Nonsense and Sensibility!
The February gun is great. Super guests and such. Laura Reichel, Markus "Strati" Strathaus , live music with Kai Freyer of rocket summer and I am there, too. Just super. All heroes.

That was the short version.
but I just can not so good, now the long version here. Which is partially stolen and also great! ;-))

The heroes:
got your forces, "The storytelling Four" by cosmic radiation, the change in their molecules, as they tried in a process developed by Strati spaceship to fly into space. Their headquarters is located in the living room on the atomic particle accelerator & Building at 55th Street Wolbecker Unlike most other super heroes have secret identities, the storytelling Four no: That is Mr. Markus Strathaus Stochastics is well known. On long stretches of her career were the four popular storytelling in public (otherwise than as telephone man), and were temporarily out of Strati like a company business. Frequently appear as guest characters from other series in the T & B Building on ....

beginning at 19:30! Dr. Doom will come later, but be there earlier, thanks to time machine, so you ran think.

Admission is free, the output in most cases happy.

LAURA REICHEL aka The inexplicable:
Laura Reichel, born 1988, lives and thinks in Dortmund. On paper only an examined health and child nurse, on selfsame she writes, since they can write. In the summer of 2009 for the first time participation in a poetry slam, since over a hundred performances at the German Poetry Slam - Cup in 2010. Since April 2010, organizer and presenter of the course "speech short, long sense" - the Poetry Slam in Dortmund.

/ / Laura Reichel, called The inexplicable is Stratis Wilkos wife and sister. Your super powers enable them to make themselves and other things or persons and to build inexplicable inexplicable scenarios. For a long time it met a little old-fashioned image of women the early 60s. They quickly fell into a swoon, was more interested in fashion and budget as to save the world and also the original restriction of their powers, only to be able to upgrade itself inexplicable, she made a rather weak team member. Your advanced skills, other things or persons to make inexplicable and inexplicable scenarios to produce, in which they can fly, were only added much later to reinforce their position. Their role was for years material for discussion in letters to the editor.

MARKUS "STRATI" Strathaus aka Mr. Stochastics [by Krawehl!]:
quote from a friend: "If the binary code of a computer program according to the scheme 10101000111100 etc. work, then the code works in his brain: the car. Passion fruit cup. Nuclear war. Kitten. Hosiery boutique. Rolls, etc.. "Is it also really, really really a coincidence that a day later Helge Schneider directly occurs in Münster? - Yes, it is. Had but also what they can mean ...
/ / Four leaders of the storytelling is Doctor Mark Strathaus, called in the team Mr. stochastics. He can stretch his brain in any shape and use it thus very flexible. It occasionally serves as a living catapult, parachute or drip pad for everything imaginable. Actually he is a brilliant inventor and scientist. In every free minute he tinkers in his lab around in any of futuristic inventions that the storytelling can use four in the fight against evil. He is married since the February pistol with Laura Reichel, the inexplicable. One of his greatest Achievements is the discovery of the "Negative Zone", a universe of antimatter. Strati is convinced idealist, and his stories are always oriented towards the common good or to others. If it is to cope with a major presence, he is working to exhaustion, until the problem is not solved, even if the leads to conflicts with his wife Laura.

KAI FREYER [rocket summer] aka The Singing:
rocket summer is actually a trio of Bochum / Münster and moves playfully between melancholy and euphoria, between drifting and reduced guitar pop ballads. One might describe the music as "Blumfeld meets Belle & Sebastian" to discover some "Kammerpop character" and maybe a "touch of Morrissey" for themselves - the band itself says only three things: "Rocket Summer Had a TV series, then a mixture of Space Night and Mr. Rossi seeks to connect the luck. cello at Wah-wah and distortion, just makes sense! rocket summer also works in winter. "To readers gun guitarist and vocalist Kai comes alone, but you never know ...

/ / The Sing (in the English original The Sing) real name Kai Freyer, a petrified guitar has with superhuman strength and is virtually unnachsingbar. He is the most tragic figure in the stories of storytelling Four. Forced to the rest of his life ugly songs to sing, although Strati tried incessantly, the guitar back to to transform the desperate, he often in his fate. His love for the deaf sculptress Alicia Masters is just as tragic, as Kai lives in constant fear, she loved him only out of pity or because they hear songs can not be ugly. In the rough surface hides a good-hearted tone, so his friends would listen to at any time. Significantly, his eternal quarrels and fights with Wilko Franz, who loves to tease him because of the ugliness of his songs.

Wilko FRANZ aka The human vegetables :
is Wilko-Franz-being simply gorgeous authentic ...
/ / Wilko Franz, including the human vegetables (in the original English Human Couch), is the brother of Laura Reichel and has the ability to single body parts or his entire body can flake out spontaneously to . It can for example perform asleep typing with his fingers or even throw watercolors. In addition, it can be. He is the youngest member of the storytelling four (when starting gun, the reader just 15 years old) and embodies the impetuous young people, using fast Cars and women and write any extreme sport on TV is too dangerous. Later, the reader gets a gun he something more adult appearance, and his relationships are more serious and sustained. He also shows more sensitivity in dealing with his sister.

Instructions Edible Vegetable Arrangement

We live in different worlds

unbestreibar One can say that the number of role players is manageable. Added to this is aggravating that distributes small number of very many RPGs. A third split, you bothers me personally is quite another.
feel more and more often I am compelled to say that I run a completely different hobby than most other role-players I know and knew. Usually I would say I practice the same hobby but in a different intensity or even the original form of role play, but proven, some of them feel attacked and justify their Attitude rather with other preferences.

Now I say yet another hobby, because it seems to me increasingly incompatible with other players. The role play is often being reduced to playing. And I am not one of the people who operate only in theory and role-play round for no more or only play every 8 weeks. I play an active role play. But my hobby is not only the role-playing, but the RPG itself. This goes so far that I now only difficult with a purely playing role-players to run laps together. If we roll the dice, I think about the dice mechanics, they evaluated and consider whether and how to replace it. I'm thinking what style of play is appropriate where, when miniatures are Voteil when narrative struggles. When we play, I think about the Plotstuktur to and how, what and where I would do something different and watch over the freedom of choice. I'm looking through the system weaknesses and try to close it, or the performance claims and observe the rounds and try to improve it, by keeping to Aussschau techniques. I make all things instinctively, because for me one of them.
And when they go home I read in my spare time, role-playing systems, putting stuff on their own modules, write game world backgrounds, planning campaigns, drawing maps or pictures. And if I do not do I research backgrounds in history or science that interest me and me are useful for the role play. And if I do not do, I discuss in RPG forums or inform me and write in blogs.
That's all for me, role-playing. And all the pure rolling "players" are not available for this and do that, therefore, almost alone. And alone makes a company known to be no fun hobby, but it is stressful and exhausting. It's like a sack of bricks, which one drags behind. I look around no enthusiasm, no energy and no passion. For any change that requires a minimum level of initiative, you have to fight against massive resistance, because it is "not the rights of players to the RPG hits. The do indeed play.
It lacks the creative Zuschub by other people, the mutual ignition of ideas. The joint, stimulating creativity. I am interested in playing material from other players as much if not more, than their own material. How it works, it creates together and gives each other a bit about the game and welded together. I can work with me a little more entertaining than imagining together on creative projects. It gives me so little material to create for myself.
This player base from Multihobbyisten is so small that they are in international forums and blogs must band together to create critical masses. In this sense you are out there just as my team-mates, such as those with whom I would much rather run it honestly, because I have them in the environment and familiarity is a prerequisite course. Internet dates are not a substitute. I actually know only a single person role-playing as a hobby operates similarly complex. Or no, it's different. I know at least two people, but sometimes I have the feeling that it is going on isolated similar because it does nothing together.
"Before," it was felt differently. As you role-play operation on many levels, including in the round. "Before," because that was necessary, because the Internet was good for not speaking tube to the outside world, you only had to play the role of books and the information in it were very thin and you had to fill all the gaps themselves. The braced together, if not acceptable because the alternative was not to play. Today seems to me rather to be the exception and it feels like one of the last survivors, while has prevailed in the majority of the simpler light version of role-playing, which I can really be gain nothing: Take a system, no matter what , then a game world book is, indeed everything in it, play something and somehow and then go home. Not only think about it. So quite a dependent variety. I absolutely intolerable!

But I mean it the way it reads. I really feel that something has been lost. Everywhere you railed on MMORPGifizierung in Warhammer3FRPG or D & D4 example, this applies in my opinion, not directly to the control systems - this is more a symptom - but for the whole posture RPG. The argument job can I also take very little seriously, because job time has nothing to do with free time, so you separate these two times, too. The people who have no free time and have no joy on the job (Otherwise they'd not an RPG) I honestly do harm. In addition, there are enough young people who have a lot of time. I myself know a few younger people in other rounds, which also was not much to start.
What is left of the day? The games, though twice a week brings to me more into the background because it can not go along with the other activities that run more productive and I invest more time because it is sufficient (eg exciting Internet projects in the community) and that should not really be so. Finally, it is still to play. I do not think you wake up the player base hau-jerk from the vegetative state can. Obviously, they want as their ... pursue another hobby. And they should too, but what I lack, the like-minded Multihobbyisten. The internet is the gateway to the world but, ironically, are the role players, that you could tear something in common that one before in the neighborhood was now further away than ever before. Perhaps other role players have also done very different experience (or even more disappointing?). This is not just pure whining, I am working on the problem. Maybe I should be more concerned with the concept of role play chat on Skype and the like, which seems to work in other rounds so, and which makes it easier with dedicated, interested and often creative role-players to play together.

Are your impressions comparable? Do you have a dedicated, stand-together team of mutually stimulating whole blood role players behind you, or did you just because everything used only in the quiet little room alone to produce for yourself? What solutions do you see? If Skype's future rounds? Maybe you only interested in himself playing and you want to have as little as possible with other players and role-play to do outside the sessions.
But as you should have found here then?

you expressed here or in RSP-Blogs Forum

Salieri Live Streaming

New toys II on 9 April - First harbingers may be

Sorry, Youtube has the highlight video from the traction-Seminar with coach Bossk in Dortmund, where Karl Humor Secretary at the weekend, was still his problems, but I submit to in Balde. The boys definitely have two days where neat gas. At the bottom is slightly different résumé!

The journey continues now! I may be solemnly announced: On Saturday 9 April increases the GORILLA CAMP II in my fields on our renewed vigor hillside position with me and Karl. But not only swung, and leg training is so clearly not too short, we have a lot of new toys in the Talon! UK Now you can register for the courses are very popular. Click the "ticket" for the coveted event:

would in this sense, be happy if we Gorilla Camp II on 9 April as neat rock!

Dominik PS: Karl and Bossk had great fun along with hard training - a matter which is also guaranteed in our seminars, and to good fellowship:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ribbon Ideas For Volleyball


The beautiful weather of course leaves the Outdoor-exercisers breathe after a severe winter so far! My Swiss friend Janis ( training) regularly outdoors in a forest-fitness course. In addition to conventional and proven exercises like pull-ups ( -www.klimmzuege ), dips and push-ups he makes things like the video up here. Tree climbing. Do something the kids like, but which also brings a lot of the adults, because it requires coordinated together with the fact that this is also extremely stressful and operated at the pump properly. You need good grip and traction! And the beautiful: Something like fun too. A warning to me but approved: Always check up in advance whether the tree is actually climbing is also. And this one should also assess themselves well Once near the top and then does not everything come down a problem! In a few days there

first video highlights from traction seminar in Dortmund with coach Bossk, where Karl Humor his knowledge was also the best!

a good week start,


Sunday, February 6, 2011

How To Build A Desk With Cupboards


first, then look

Another Sunday, another nice walk. This time it was a trip with his mother and favorite Ilinca, who visited me over the weekend and had sunshine, blue skies and cheerfulness in the same suitcase.
short pause - and later, the trip goes on towards the Hofgarten. There again I may shoot a cramped smile photo for those who do not have my grim photos soo happy times and prefer to see a good mood. Incidentally, I have good mood, I just asked this Lächelei pretty exhausting!

The poncho to the Inca pattern of UO Sale, Cardigan COS